Stats... 87km in 4hrs 24mins. Today we did everything in reverse order as we had paid 50 euros for the hotel we wanted to make full use of it. We had a slight lay in and then went for a buffet breakfast. We walked into the city in search of a map shop, internet, an ATM and a postcard which was all very successful. We had a quick nose of the highlights of Thessaloniki then check ed out of the hotel at 1pm. We had made it two minutes up the road already having difficulty trying to escape the hectic roads when we met Basil. Basil is cycling from Athens to Istanbul and he is Greek but currently living in NewYork teaching economics. We immediately latched onto eachother as it was extremely helpful having a local speaking companion together with saftey in numbers on the highways! We had no choice but to follow the M1 equivalent again for a few kilometers which it turns out Basil is used to as he has followed this road all the way from Athens... madness not to mention illegal! We finally got on to a nicer road and chatted while cycling. We past two massive lakes as we crossed inland at the Halkidiki peninsula one of which had almost entriely dried up. We had various stops for food, drink and ice cream as the weather was hot again today. We finally made it to the coast haviing won our battle with the strong headwind and stopped at the first campsite we came across at approx 8pm. We camped on the edge of the beach and made pasta and sauce for dinner.
1 comment:
I assume Basil is the guy sitting in the white chair, as opposed to the guy lying in the ground next to the green bin?
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