Friday 16 May 2008

Grottes de Hans - caves

Day 7

Stats... 45km, 2hrs 30min cycle to Grottes de Hans in the Hans sur lesse valley. Sounds like a short easy day but dont be fooled it was extremely hilly. Our sole goal was to make to the Grotte de Hans which are the most impressive caves in Belgium. They are horizontal caves that drop to 105km and they were really quite impressive! The ticket included a train ride to the entrance of the caves, a guided tour through and a boat ride out. We had hundreds of annoying school kids on our tour as it is school holidays. We camped just outside the caves and found that Kris back panier had broke in exactly the same way as mine. With borrowing spare parts from our supplies, tools from Gavin our GB neighbour and the ingenious idea from Al of using beer lids as washers we fixed it. You can call us Jim from now on! Kris was very impressed with this idea as we had to go buy some beers! The showers were lovely but there were thousands of flies!!! Al got in the tent as it started to rain and moved her sleeping bag only to be swarmed with at least a million flies! We spent the next two hours fly herding and it appears that flies do not want to go outside into the rain as much as we dont.

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